FitterFirst Balance Board

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Balance is so important in golf.  If you lose balance during the golf swing, you are dead, it’s just a matter of dumb luck if you hit a good shot from an unbalanced position.  I bought this balance board to have something to do in the winter months to improve my game.  It is quite […]


I purchased my first Swingbyte back in 2012. It was a product with lots of potential. It was the first training aide I had seen that was strapped to your shaft and promised swing data for analysis in real-time. Unfortunately, with the first version, I didn’t know how it could benefit my golf swing. However, […]

Bender Stik

I bought the Bender Stik to help me with a specific tendency of mine, a hold-off release.  The idea was to have the Bender Stik in position after the strike to help me commit to releasing the club more around and to the left, rather than hold it off and finish high and fake a […]