I purchased my first Swingbyte back in 2012. It was a product with lots of potential. It was the first training aide I had seen that was strapped to your shaft and promised swing data for analysis in real-time. Unfortunately, with the first version, I didn’t know how it could benefit my golf swing.
However, back in October 2015, my golf coach, Fred Shoemaker, gave me in-depth training on how to use the Swingbyte properly, and I committed to using it through a long Utah winter to improve my swing. Man, I am sure glad I did. What a difference this kind of feedback can make in increasing your swing awareness and teaching you what an on-plane swing feels like.
I will admit I had a hard time believing what the data was saying at the start, but once I finally realized the data was correct and my swing was off, things changed. I worked hard all winter, swung thousands of swings with the Swingbyte, and began to learn what over the top, inside, and all those things really felt like to me. And as what I was feeling started to align with what the Swingbyte data was saying, my game improved.
Long story short, Swingbyte is the best training tool I have ever used. It has helped me improve more than any other training aid, and I rarely hit a golf ball while using it. I like it so much that It will remain at the top of my review list until I find something better, which I can’t imagine right now.